Thursday, July 31, 2008

Not Like You Need It..

..but good luck on your IT certification test Brother!!! =)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Never Though I'd Say This...

..but I want summer to be over!! =(

Let me re-phrase, I don't want the weather to leave, but the sheer boredom that I go through day by day. I am living here with one of my best friends but we never get to hang out because we have complete opposite schedules. When I am here during the days I work, I get out anywhere from noon to 2 latest, shower, eat then do nothing all day. I have no money to shop or do any activities, plus I'm usually so tired that all I want to do is sit and then I end up falling asleep which keeps me from sleeping at night when I need to....

I need more life in this house!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Thank You

I would just like to take a moment to thank the East Providence Police Department....FOR NOTHING!!!

I was lost because Providence/East Providence Police decided to close off 3 exits on the highway without any notice or detour signs. So I decided to use my keen sense of direction to try and figure out the back roads (yea... that got me completely lost). At this point the rain is coming down so hard I cannot see and the intense lightning is the only thing lighting up the sky. 

I decided that I would call the Providence Police Dept. and they transfered me to the East Prov. PD...I explained how I am not from the area and that I am lost... the women very rudely told me that there are more important things going on and she told me to just go to a gas station....

HOW DARE SHE?! I am a girl, lost in a city, during a thunderstorm, at night... and she wants me to just pretty much let me guard down and get out of my car and ask directions?.... she's a damn cop, she should know better!!

My response, due to my stress level was.... "Thanks a fucking lot for nothing" and I hung up. Maybe not my best decision, but that bitch deserved it. 

More and more I cannot wait to get outta this place...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let me just say that I haven't gone to the movies since the winter and then in the past 5 days I have gone twice! Obviously Hollywood is doing something right!! haha

On Sunday I went to see "Batman: The Dark Knight"... and it was awesome!!! I'm not big into seeing movies based in comic books (i.e. The Hulk, Ironman, etc..), but I felt as though this was going to be really worth seeing. In general, I was never a fan of the Joker (I have a thing about clowns) but I'm not sure if it was because of Heath Ledger's recent passing or because I heard that it was the creepiest and most psychotic portrayal of a comic book villain ever. Let me tell you, for 2 1/2 hours I was on the edge of my seat with such a nervous feeling because there was no way of knowing what was going to happen next!... and it doesn't hurt that Christian Bale is absolutely gorgeous =) even if he does have an apparent temper  

 To all those who aren't really sure if it is really worth seeing or just being hyped up... go see it, this movie does not disappoint!  

Saturday, July 19, 2008

UPDATE: Blonde Ambition?!

Here is the before...

Here is the after...

Bodie Lighthouse

This is why I love the Outer Banks...

This is my personal photo ( yea I looks too good to be amateur haha) of Bodie was soo beautiful. It was kind of creepy going down the long, winding road in the dark but once we got there it was worth it.

Mamma Mia!

On Friday I had the day off from work, my roomie was at work and my 2 friends that were visiting has just left so I was home alone ( as usual) and bored, so I took a cue from my brother and decided to go to the movies. I went to go see Mamma Mia! partially because I love most of the cast that was in it and also because musicals hold a special place in my heart =)

My review on this movie is really good. The music was great and it kept a good pace. I have seen some musicals that are very drawn out and some point about 2/3 of the way in you are just like "If I hear one more goddamn song about you walking or running or dreaming Im going to throw something at the screen..." Mamma Mia! was honestly a toe-tapping movie. I suggest if you like musicals, or any of the cast members ( Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, etc..)