Sunday, June 29, 2008

Has this ever happened to you...?!

So lets set up the stage for the story I am about to tell...
It's about 11:30pm. I have just gotten back from working at a fundraiser all day at the zoo. I have to be back at work for 5am the next morning. Im tired. All I want to do is go to bed.

Ok, Im in the bathroom and I am alone in the house and I start hearing weird noises... I start to get a little nervous and then all of a sudden I look at the bottom of the door and I see this weird black thing coming through the bottom. First thought, OMG that is the biggest bug I have ever thought...holy sh*t it's a mouse/rat....then I actually saw what it was....A BAT!!!

It starts flapping around. I freak out, start screaming, duck down and book it out of the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I call my Dad screaming and hyperventalating about the fact that there is a bat in the bathroom. I gain my composure for 5 minutes and go the house full of boys who live next year only to find that none of them are home (of course, right). I then call my roommate who is on her way home.

At this point I am soo freaked/grossed out that I could vomit. My roomie gets home and says that she was able to flag down some off duty firefighters that are going to come by and save the day. Once the firefighters got there, it took them all of 1 minute and a half to get the thing out of the house.

Ughh, it was one of the "WTF?!" moments followed by one of the "how the hell did it get in here??"...not a good feeling before bed.

So far, no signs of any others but I will keep you posted.


Bill said...

Of course, the most burning question is.....

Was it number 1 or number 2?!?!?!?!

This is what big brothers are for!

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of this story!!! You made my day. :-)