Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So it begins...

Well Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) has come and gone and while everyone is recovering from the excessive amounts of booze and/or food comsumed the night before, the good Catholics drag their asses to church for the first time since Christmas Eve and get ashes.

It also is the begining of Lent - the 40 days and 40 nights that Jesus sent in the desert tempted by the devil. ( Small religion lesson for all those who do not know) - Anyways...traditionally during this period of time you are supposed to give something up or pledge to do something good...something along those lines.

Every year as far as I can remember, I have been told to give up something like junk food, or TV after dinner or something like that and as long as I can remember I have not lasted the 40 days at all. Each year after I admitted defeat, I would say that next year I would give something up for real and that would make up for the fact that I break all sorts of commandments.

Two years ago I decided to give something up that was starting to become a regular thing in my life. I decided to give up smoking pot along with my roommate for Lent. I was so proud of myself when I went all of the Lenten season without smoking pot at all...I felt really really good about myself. Easter rolled around and my roommate spent it with me at my house and we were all set to go back to school when accident less than 3 miles from campus.

I took that as a clear sign that giving something up for Lent doesnt mean that the good Lord if by your I stopped.

If I decide to give something up for Lent...I will be less naive in thinking that it cancels out everything else.

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