So, for those of you who don't know, I'm a pastry student. I'm finishing my second year here at school and I find it funny that at any other university around the world, you are mostly surrounded by people who are majoring in anything from accounting to liberal arts (a.k.a - 4 year degree on how to waste your parents money)
Here our campus is strictly culinary and pastry students which has its ups and downs. For one thing, you are around people who all have one thing in common; FOOD. We all love and want to talk about it constantly. The downside to that is that there is an ongoing competition between everyone about who is better, who works harder, who knows more..etc. Whether you want to or not you cannot have a single conversation with someone without trying to "out -do" the other person with stories about what they have done in class or at work. At some point in the conversation you can actually see someones blood start to boil and you can tell when they start to make outrageous claims.."Jesus wasn't the only one to turn water into wine....I did that in class the other day!!" That's when I just take a step back.
I'm all of a sudden taken back to the schoolyard when I was 10 years old - "my bike is cooler than your bike - yea, well I can run faster than you, so there!" I can't help but laugh because we are supposed to be in college, the pinnacle of intellect and maturity... Which brings me to my ongoing question that I can never seem to get an answer to - At what point do you actually grow up? I know there is no ON swtich, so when does that happen? At what time can you say that you are an adult? People argue that it depends on age or once you get a full time job, live on your own, get married....whatever. No one ever really does though. Yes, you can put up a good front - go to the theater, stop watching cartoons, but seriously who are you kidding?? I maybe not be old and wise but I do know one all boils down to constant competiton.....and who's bike really is better.
Let me stop you right there. " college, the pinnacle of intellect and maturity"... since when? Intellect, maybe. Maturity...heh.
People "grow up" at different stages in life. Some remain immature in some aspects while completely mature/responsible in others. Some never really grow up at all.
IMHO, growing up is a choice that we make each and every day. It's not being uptight or not-young-at-heart. It's being responsible, and doing the right thing... even if it's difficult...becuase it's the right thing.
Can anyone be fully "grown up"?
A person is a 'grown up' when they can make decisions on their own, deal with the results and consequences accordingly, learn and better themselves from these decisions and still find enjoyment in life.
But who am I to talk...i play video games and find pictures of cats with misspelled captions absolutely hilarious!
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