Sunday, June 29, 2008

Has this ever happened to you...?!

So lets set up the stage for the story I am about to tell...
It's about 11:30pm. I have just gotten back from working at a fundraiser all day at the zoo. I have to be back at work for 5am the next morning. Im tired. All I want to do is go to bed.

Ok, Im in the bathroom and I am alone in the house and I start hearing weird noises... I start to get a little nervous and then all of a sudden I look at the bottom of the door and I see this weird black thing coming through the bottom. First thought, OMG that is the biggest bug I have ever thought...holy sh*t it's a mouse/rat....then I actually saw what it was....A BAT!!!

It starts flapping around. I freak out, start screaming, duck down and book it out of the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I call my Dad screaming and hyperventalating about the fact that there is a bat in the bathroom. I gain my composure for 5 minutes and go the house full of boys who live next year only to find that none of them are home (of course, right). I then call my roommate who is on her way home.

At this point I am soo freaked/grossed out that I could vomit. My roomie gets home and says that she was able to flag down some off duty firefighters that are going to come by and save the day. Once the firefighters got there, it took them all of 1 minute and a half to get the thing out of the house.

Ughh, it was one of the "WTF?!" moments followed by one of the "how the hell did it get in here??"...not a good feeling before bed.

So far, no signs of any others but I will keep you posted.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, I officially know how to sexually harass someone...awesome!!

Kidding, of course, and I know that it is a serious issue, but when you have a room full of college students for 2 hours making us watch cheesy videos from the 80's, you can't help but snicker and be immature about it. What makes it worse is that my co-workers and I are innapropriate to begin it made it that much better.

I love my job =)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Blonde Ambition?!

So, I took that big step...I went blonde!! I have been taking baby steps towards going from my natural dark brown to blonde for like 8 years now and I finally said "what the hell, why not?!" and did it. It's something to get used to...I'm not sure how I feel. It's been less than a week so I am not sure if blondes have more fun...but I'm pretty sure they do. And seeing as I have seen both sides, I stand behind my statement. I don't have any good pictures yet (again, less than a week) but once I do I will post them.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On trying to be an adult..

So it's been a while but a lot has happened. I graduated with my Associate's, I moved into an apartment with a friend of mine, and I am learning how to live on my own....not an easy task.

I'm trying to make it with a $9/hr job in a house that costs $500 a do the math. Granted I had money saved up for the big purchases (bed, furniture, etc..) but you would be amazed at how much you take for granted at your house until you don't have it anymore. Little things like a shower rack to store shampoo or a kitchen table ( yea, its been 3 weeks and still no table haha). I have also come to have a new respect for my parents who went shopping religiously every Sunday and came home with bags full of goodies...definitly not cheap. I have been living off PB&J and pasta and let me tell you...I'm gettin tired of it.

After talking to my Mom numerous times about "how things are going" we both came to the realization that if I was completely on my own I would probably crash and burn. Of course, if I was completely on my own I would hopefully be at a job where I was at least making double digits an hour....but in todays world I cant be too sure of that. This whole thing made me realize that everything is becoming so real and I fear that the independence I want to have will never come because I won't be able to afford to do all the adult things like buy a home or a car. I'm sure I am just making myself nuts ( which I realize that I do alot to myself) but it is just another thing that runs through my head all the time! ughh